Seeing the Soul of Spirit

Seeing the Soul of Spirit

To understand how Spirit presents themselves during a reading, we must first understand the Soul. The Soul is truly the essence of our being and solely how we have everlasting life. 

When we complete our life cycle here on Earth, what we refer to as death- our Soul, with the assistance of the Divine and Spirit World, safely crosses over into Heaven (Spirit World, Afterlife- whichever feels most true to you, it’s all the same!). In Heaven, the Souls of our loved ones and our beloved pets are never alone! Through this process of ascending to Heaven, all that we take with us from Earth is our Soul. What resides within our Soul are all the many lessons, experiences, memories and most importantly, the everlasting love bonds, from this life and many others. 

When choosing to walk with the Light, God - we release the ties and attachments to our Earthly material items that no longer serve our purpose in Heaven. We are released of our ego that once strapped us to fear. We are released of our human body and no longer have use for it. The burdens, illness and suffering that we once endured from our human body shell, no longer exist. We are freed of that weight.  

If you have ever had a dream, visit or reading, your loved one in Spirit may have presented themselves differently than when you last remember seeing them. This is due to the fact that since our human body is no longer needed for survival in Heaven, Spirit can present themselves in a physical way in which they felt healthiest, happiest or most recognizable. 

This physical appearance from Spirit is presented truly to help us Souls still living our life cycle on Earth to best understand the healing that has embarked upon their Soul. Since the use of a human body is no longer necessary in Heaven, Spirit will present themselves looking healthy again to show us how much their Soul has been healed and freed of burdens. Most importantly, their Soul is at ease and at peace. 

The same is true with our beloved pets! Animals will step forward in a reading to present loving, comforting and healing messages! The love bonds within our Souls are everlasting. These love bonds are what brings our cherished pets and adored loved ones in Spirit forward during a reading - all based upon the eternal connection of the Soul…


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