Virtual Mediumship Readings
If you are looking to connect to loved ones in Spirit, maybe one specific loved one comes to mind, maybe more than one. Even our precious pets can share loving messages!
I am here to help you connect to your loved ones in Spirit and share with you the love that they are so eager to shine upon you!
Connecting, receiving, and relaying messages from loved ones in Spirit is a purpose that I nourish and cherish deeply. Channeling the Light of the Heavens develops my connection, strengthening the clarity of my ultimate mission; to provide you with the wisdom of Spirit through loving, healing, and guiding messages from above.

What is a Mediumship Reading?
As a Medium, in order to communicate with loved ones who have crossed over, I connect my Soul energy to the Soul energy of Spirit within the Heavens. Our Soul energies meet in the middle of both worlds, hence the term, Medium!
We are all Souls living a human body experience. Our Soul is what connects us to the Heavens, here and above. We each have an individual Soul, animals too!
Spirit encourages us to know that when we feel, sense, or receive a sign from our loved ones, that these feelings are real and that these feelings come from a place of love!
As Souls, we possess the answers that we so desperately seek within, our loved ones in Spirit help to reveal this wisdom to us with compassion, purpose, and grace. Always know that when we connect to one another here on Earth, when we connect to loved ones in Spirit and to the Angels, we are connecting directly with God.
Feel closure after the loss of a loved one
Continue growing and evolving our relationships with passed loved ones in Spirit
Heal unresolved pain that holds us back from bringing Light to our future
Remove the barriers of grief around our heart and Soul
Find direction in moments of indecisiveness and confusion
Ignite dormant faith within

1:1 Virtual Readings
Perfect for you and up to two friends, conducted through Google Meet from wherever you’re located.
Virtual Group Readings
Book your group session for 4 or more people.
In-person group sessions coming soon!
Gift Certificates
Give your loved one a reading that can be redeemed at a later date.
What to Expect
It is completely normal to feel anxious, even nervous before the reading begins. It is common to feel closure, connection, and peace after the reading ends. In those very moments, know that your loved ones in Spirit are with you. The Light of the Heavens does not judge us, but accepts us, with compassion and understanding. We feel this truth as we welcome the loving messages that Spirit shares with us.
During a reading, we can receive healing messages that we never thought we needed and from loved ones we never expected to hear from! Having a reading is a safe place to laugh, to cry, to release, and to just be you!
Connecting with loved ones in Spirit and receiving the healing messages that Spirit longs to share with us, removes the barriers of doubt amongst our heart and Soul. Opening up our hearts to the greater healing that is here for us and beyond. Healing happens amongst the Heavens, too!
Frequently Asked Questions
There is no preparation required for you to participate in the reading. Before each reading begins all that I ask of you is to simply open your heart and mind to the loving, healing, and guiding messages that your loved ones in Spirit may present to you. Just being the Soul that you are is all that is necessary to connect to the Light of the Heavens!
During a reading, my Soul is connecting to your Soul. Together, our Souls are connecting to the loving Souls in Spirit within the Heavens.
You are welcome to take notes and/or record the reading!
Yes! You can absolutely benefit from having a reading without specifically connecting to passed loved ones in Spirit. Sometimes, we may not always want to connect to loved ones in Spirit, and that is ok! We can still receive messages from the Light of the Heavens during a reading, whether it be from the Angels or what people often refer to as Spirit Guides. Sometimes, loved ones in Spirit who we may have never met here on Earth or loved ones in Spirit who passed when we were very young, can still step forward to relay healing messages, even if we never felt a connection to them here on Earth.
No! The process of connecting to Spirit each reading is the same, but those who step forward in Spirit and the messages relayed to you are not guaranteed to be the same. Each and every reading is unique in the most peaceful way. That reason being, you! Messages from our loved ones in Spirit are spoken directly to our Soul and all that is currently happening in our lives at that very moment.
There is no adjustment period for when our Soul returns to the Heavens in order to communicate with us. In fact, many times our Soul returns to the Heavens before our physical body has officially shut down. This is why we tend to feel our loved ones so strongly around us at the time of their passing. Although their physical body may be at complete rest, their Soul is still very much alive.
You will know when the time is right, you will feel it!
Just by being the bright Light that you are, you are making a connection to the Heavens. As a Medium, I choose to only connect to those in Spirit who walk with the Light of the Heavens. From there, I have no control over which loved ones in Spirit decide to step forward to present messages to you.
A Medium is not a mind reader and does not have access to your personal thoughts! A Medium connects to the energy of your being, the energy of your Soul, and all the information that has developed that energy.
Yes! Connecting to Spirit can happen anytime, anywhere!
You are welcome to hold on to an item that belonged to your loved one or reminds you of your loved one, but it is not necessary to do so in order to make a connection to Spirit.
Not at all! Our loved ones in Spirit see it all here on Earth. They understand the many challenges that we face and have compassion for us. Spirit encourages us to release the guilt that we harbor for feeling as if we are not communicating with them enough or for asking for their help and guidance too much.