Love and Compassion

What is Love without Compassion? 

Love is the heart of the Soul. Compassion is what keeps the heart beating. Having Compassion is what truly allows us to give and receive love.  

The cycle of our Soul here on Earth comes with peace and pain. We know this before we take our first breath of human life, but that does not mean the impact of when we endure pain or suffering is any less manageable. It reminds us that where there is darkness, there is, and always will be, Light.

Spirit encourages us to SMILE. To take time to just be and just breathe. Spirit encourages us to have Compassion for ourselves- who we were in our past, who we are now and who we will become. Spirit teaches us, that having Compassion for ourselves, and for others, allows us to heal.

Having Compassion does not mean you have to accept wrong doing or allow toxic energies back into your life. 

Having Compassion allows us to start healing, to make peace with all pain and provides us with hope as we move forward in our life cycle here on Earth.

We challenge ourselves daily with all the lessons and experiences that life presents to us. One of these challenges is learning to not only have Compassion for ourselves, but for others. When we lead with Love and Compassion, it makes it difficult to have anger or fear. 

Compassion is forgiveness, for yourself, and for others. Compassion is acceptance, for yourself, and for others. Compassion is respect, for yourself, and for others. Most importantly, Compassion is the purest form of love. 

If I had to describe in one word what it feels like to connect to Spirit in Heaven, it would be - COMPASSION.


Seeing the Soul of Spirit


Can Spirit Heal in Heaven?