See Me For My S O U L

See Me For My S O U L

Have you ever been wrongfully accused of something? Has someone tried to slander your character and make up fabrications about you? No matter how hard you worked, how punctual and professional you were - it was still never good enough? Then, worst of all, others began investing and believing in this lie? Making you question your own self and beliefs? All that projected darkness, can never, ever put out your L I G H T.

At some point in life, we will face adversity - it is unavoidable and largely part of our Soul journey here on Earth. You just want someone to see you for you, for the truth, for your pure, honest and compassionate intentions. You just want someone to see you for your Light, your Soul. Know that your Guardian Angel, the Angels, Spirit and Divine God see you - they see you for your Soul.

Spirit teaches us that the Light will always prevail, but that does not mean we do not have to fight for it. We are here to take action, to put in the effort and the work, to L I V E. When you fight to shine your Light with truth, honesty, integrity, love and compassion - darkness cannot grow. Darkness thrives off of evil, lies, greed, and hate - it cannot thrive off of L I G H T. The more Light you shed on darkness, the more it will continue to bounce off you rather than intimidate you. The darkness is always trying to corrupt and take down the Light, but as Spirit teaches us, the Light will always P R E V A I L.

Can you see your Soul? What do you think your Soul looks like?

Your Soul is sacred and bears all the information about you, all the lives you have lived here on Earth and all your experiences from Heaven. Your Soul is what connects you to God, the Angels and Spirit. Ultimately, your Soul is what connects you to the Heavens and the Earth. Your Soul is not what you want others to think of you. Your Soul is not what you think others think of you or what you may be perceived as on the outside. Your Soul is your most genuine, authentic self. Your Soul is your truth and who God, the Angels and Spirit see you as. Your Soul resides within.

There is Light and there is darkness. There is no denying that or avoiding it here on Earth. How do we stop the darkness? By shining our Light. You see, Spirit teaches us that we are all from the Light and that all Souls originate from the Light, from God. Our Souls, are made from the Light, filled with and born out of unconditional love. As a Soul, as a human being, you must choose, with your freewill, to engage in evil in order to act out darkness - no Soul derives from it. We are living here on Earth as human beings at such a pivotal time. God, the Angels and Spirit are calling to us now more than ever, encouraging us to connect to our most authentic selves, our honest, Light and compassionate Soul. To use our F R E E W I L L to help ourselves and others to rise above the darkness and to put an end to the false truths keeping us down and sick. To see each other for who we are in our Soul.

When our loved ones in Spirit return home to Heaven, they no longer see you or perceive you in the way in which they did here on Earth. Our loved ones in Spirit now choose to see you for your Soul, with unconditional love and support - choosing to see who you truly are and all that makes you, you. During a reading, Spirit will step forward to present messages to you to help you on your Soul journey, regardless of what they believed to be right or wrong while here on Earth. This is because in order for Spirit to see you for you, your truest, most authentic and honest self, which is your Soul, they must completely remove and let go of their ego - viewing us in the way that God and the Angels do. This is why a loved one in Spirit who you may have never met can still present messages to you.

We have the ability to heal our Soul here on Earth and in Heaven. Your Guardian Angel is the light bearer of your Soul. Ask your Guardian Angel to help you see your Soul, to help you feel connected to your Soul and to help you understand the holy information that resides within your Soul.

Although our Soul never dies, it can become damaged. Pain, sadness, betrayal, anger and hurt can all damage the Soul. When we choose to engage in and lead with darkness, we become detached from our Soul. When this happens, I refer to this behavior as “detached outbursts” - as it is impossible to be aligned with your Spirit and Soul when choosing to not engage in and lead with the Light.

When we complete our life cycle here on Earth, what we as human beings refer to as death- our Soul, with the assistance of the Heavens, safely crosses over into Heaven (Spirit World, Afterlife- whichever feels most true to you, it is all the same!). We then have the choice to immediately continue on our Soul healing journey within Heaven.

You see, you have to think about the life you are living right now and the ones you have lived before. If you are a human being living life here on Earth at this moment, there is a very, very, good chance that you have lived not just one, but multiple past lives.

So think about that - multiple past lives with O N E Soul. That is a whole lot of information within your Soul, right?

Your Soul holds all the information about this life you are living right now, the many lives you have lived before, your future lives and all that you have learned within the Heavens. Shut out the outside world just for a minute, turn off the news and your phone, take time to quiet your mind. Connect to your Soul, to you - do you feel aligned with your Spirit and Soul? Can you feel the Light within your Soul? Know that your Soul is unconditionally loved and unconditionally guided.

Let today be the day you see you for your bright, Light and unconditionally loved S O U L.


New Beginnings


Happy Spring!