New Beginnings

New beginnings

Have you ever looked at a picture and it brought you right back to what you were feeling in that moment? How does that happen? Feeling, emotion, energy, Soul.

Walking the beach at morning sunrise is my favorite form of meditation. It is quiet, peaceful, calm and pure. The start of a new day is the start of a new beginning. That is when I am most tuned in and connected with my Soul, my Guardian Angel, my loved ones in Spirit, Jesus, and Divine God. That is when I am listening, rather than speaking. Giving thanks, rather than asking for answers. Believing, rather than questioning. Wholeheartedly trusting, rather than egotistically fearing.

New beginnings, you are ready for it. That is what I heard, above all, that is what I felt from Spirit and the Angels when I came upon this divine sand dollar shell one morning. I was overwhelmed with happiness and gratitude because I had never found a whole, untouched, unbroken, intact sand dollar shell. I had walked the beach countless mornings at sunrise and would see all different pieces of sand dollars, but had yet to find a perfectly imperfect, unabridged, sand dollar shell. Overcome with grateful emotion, I knew finding this sand dollar was a sign. New beginnings, change.

I felt Spirit say, “you are ready, have faith” - so I continued walking. As I continued walking, I came upon a second, perfectly intact sand dollar. I was beaming with excitement - until, I came upon a third, a fourth, and lastly, a fifth, whole sand dollar shell. By the fifth one, I had tears in my eyes. Overtaken with love and gratitude. Like Spirit says, there is no such thing as a coincidence.

Five perfectly whole sand dollars. FIVE. I asked Spirit, why five? Was there significance to the number five? I heard Spirit say, “change”.

The change I had been feeling, hoping, fearing, aspiring and longing for. We can almost always sense change and I knew this was my sign to lead with my faith, rather than my ego and fears. Change scares us because we cannot always see the end result. This “change”, or shift in energy was going to evolve, grow, and heal many things in my life. Most importantly, I knew this change was heavenly sent and heavenly guided. It was time to listen and time to do the work.

If you look at sand dollar, look at how many petals make out the star, five. There are five petals on a sand dollar that allows the sand dollar to breathe. So when did this big change happen? May. The fifth month. Five!

Shells represent life, death, rebirth, endings and new beginnings. It is moments like this that awaken faith, belief, hope, forgiveness, thankfulness, openness and acceptance. These are the moments when we allow ourselves to see God, feel God, hear God, and know that God is present with us.

Let today be the day you open to the Light within your Soul and the loving, heavenly assistance that is always with you.

You are a precious being!

Have an amazing day filled with Light, love and many blessings!


Just Breathe


See Me For My S O U L