Happy Spring!

Happy Spring!

One of my favorite times of the year!
It’s time to take a deep exhale and release all that no longer serves you. Exhale any guilt, fear, judgement, regret and pain that no longer serves your purpose. It’s time to inhale Light, love, compassion, harmony, humility, faith and kindness.

Everyday we have the chance to start fresh and new. To release old habits and egotistical ways of thinking. Everyday we have the chance to allow healing Light in and to make peace with our connection to our Soul. To forgive ourselves for the past and to accept who we were, who we are and who we will become - with humility and grace for our Soul. Just think - God, the Angels and Spirit accepts us for who we were in our past, who we are now and who we will become. So why shouldn’t we?

Breathe in the beauty of Spring and all that it has to offer us!

Watching nature come to life, although it is never dead - (just like Spirit!) is so refreshing for our Soul and brings comfort to our hearts.

Springtime invites us to explore, to wonder, to breathe, to smile and to bloom. Taking the time to inhale the springtime air enlightens our Soul and brings comfort to ours minds.

Springtime provides us with hope for the moments in life that feel dark and cold, stagnate and stale - by reminding us that we always have the ability to move and grow. To rise above fear based thoughts and actions and to ground ourselves with love and compassion. Giving ourselves the opportunity to bud, to bloom and to flourish once again.

Spring holds the opportunity to start clean. Spring is the time for rebirth, regrowth, rejuvenation. Hearing the birds chirping, smelling the blooming flowers, seeing the wings of a butterfly and picking fresh berries - brings peace to our heart and nourishes our Soul.

The feelings and emotions of Spring - joy, wonder, healing and growth shine so brightly for us all. As Souls, we can all relate to this familiar feeling - here on Earth and in Heaven.

God, the Angels and Spirit can walk, talk, and feel this familiar feeling with us. Helping us to realize that there will always be brighter days ahead.

There will always be opportunities to change, to grow and to heal. We never stop learning and growing and we never stop blooming!


See Me For My S O U L


Prayer - What Does It Mean to Pray?