Just Breathe

Just Breathe

Growing up, “just breathe” was something I would “hear” over and over again, yet no one was speaking to me. I would hear the voice within, feel it and would overall get a sense of knowing, that I was being encouraged to, just breathe.

A gentle reminder that I was going to be alright and that everything will work out, in the way that it is best intended to. A gentle reminder of something that is so innate and so incredibly natural to do, yet the reminder is and has always been necessary. A gentle reminder that in all moments of our life, the heavenly light-bearers of our Soul, are right by our side.

These encouraging messages, what I like to refer to as gentle reminders, can come from all whom love and guide us within the Heavens. When you connect to these loving messages gifted to you from the Heavens, it is a palpable feeling, almost indescribable.

Our connection to our Soul, Divine God, the Angels and all whom love and guide us in Spirit, is as natural and instinctively connected to our being, just as breathing.

The Angels encourage us to breathe. Reminding us that our daily Earthly pressures will never supersede our ability to breathe, our ability to reset and our ability to find connection. The Heavens are with us each breath we take, lovingly supporting us and guiding us, willingly with love and compassion.

Because we are all derived and connected from the Light within our Spirit and Soul, we all have the innate ability to connect and to receive loving, healing and guiding messages from the Heavens

The heavenly messages will come to you, they will present themselves in the best way possible for you - you will connect to them. Believe and just breathe!

What words of heavenly wisdom have you been encouraged to follow throughout your life?

It is time to shine your Light!




New Beginnings