What is a Medium? What is a Psychic? Is there a difference?

What is a Medium? What is a Psychic? Is there a difference?

Yes! There is a difference between a Psychic and a Medium.

A Psychic will connect and read your energy, your aura. Our aura is like a shell of energy that radiates off our human body. Our aura is like our own sun rays. Our aura is made up of all our emotions, from this life and many others! Our aura connects us to our Soul, the essence of our being. Within our aura is lessons and experiences from the past, present and future. A Psychic will connect to your energy, your aura and read whatever it exudes in that moment. A Psychic does not connect and communicate with the Spirit and Divine World.

A Medium is a messenger. The purpose and responsibility of a Medium is to connect and communicate with the Souls in the Spirit World and Divine World. A Medium communicates with passed loved ones, Spirit Guides, Guardian Angels, Angels and Divine. A Medium will also connect and read your energy, your aura, just as a Psychic does. You have to be Psychic to be a Medium! A Medium will connect and relay messages by connecting to loved ones in Spirit and to your aura sun rays.

Having a reading with a Medium allows for the opportunity to receive healing and guiding messages based upon your energy, your aura and from your loved ones in Spirit. Messages from Spirit can not only bring your Soul healing here on Earth, but can also provide healing for your loved ones Soul in the Spirit World.

I want to share that we all have intuitive Psychic and Mediumistic abilities. I encourage you to think about yours! Do not be afraid of them. Do not compare them to others. Trust them. Know that your loved ones in Spirit, all whom guide you, Angels and Divine God, will never scare you and reside within a realm of love. Trust that you are connecting to a place of love, not fear. Lastly, be open to the messages, feelings and emotions - Spirit and Divine will only share with us messages and guidance that our Soul truly needs, not always what we want or think we need.

It is never too late to open your heart, mind and Soul to the blessing of healing…♡




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