Time & Numbers

Is there time in the Afterlife? Do we follow the days of the week, count the months, and add up the years? Do we follow a time centered, around the clock work schedule? Not exactly...

From my experience connecting to the Spirit and Divine World, I have learned that time does not exist in the Afterlife as we know it here on Earth. There is no rush, pressure or deadlines in the Afterlife. There is no regret over “lost time”. Time is measured simply by the growth and evolution of the Soul in the Afterlife.

We have jobs in the Afterlife but they are quite different than those we have here on Earth. There is no 9am start time, 12pm lunch break or see you tomorrow at 5pm. There is no seconds, minutes or hours. There is no AM/PM that limits or hurries you along. Time in the Afterlife is measured by the acceptance and willingness to surrender to LOVE.

What is the Soul purpose here on Earth? We all have the same purpose on Earth, to evolve our Soul, to achieve our Soul purpose. It is truly as simple as that. What is not simple, are the lessons and experiences we go through here on Earth to evoke that growth. As Souls, we all have many different ways, lessons and experiences on how to get there.

Why numbers if there is no such thing as time? Numbers are symbolic in the Afterlife rather than relied upon or revolved around like on Earth. There is truth to the old saying, “there is no time in numbers”.

The Divine and Spirit World will send us signs and get our attention through using numbers. Maybe we see a time that relates to a birthday or anniversary. Maybe we see a reoccurring set of numbers, like 12:34. When this happens, you are connecting to your Soul and to all that love and guide you from the Spirit and Divine World! Remember, the answer always lies within, trust it!

Your loved ones in Spirit, Guardian Angel, Spirit Guides, all who are connected to your Soul in the Spirit and Divine World can communicate with you through numbers.

There is no time limit in the Afterlife and there is no time limit on your Soul. Your Soul and the love bonds within your Soul are everlasting. The Soul will always supersede the essence of time…


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