
What comes to mind when you think of someone or something that offers so much and asks for so little, if anything at all?

I think of the Angels. Divine Forces of Light😇☀️

The impact, support and guidance that the Angels offer to us is mighty, strong and powerful. And what could only supersede that strength, is the everlasting, unconditional light, love and compassion that they exude for us.

And when you realize these experiences are happening all around you, they are hard to miss and hard to forget.

We are connected to the Angels by the Light that is our Soul.

Angel support, strength, comfort, love, light, compassion and guidance is gifted to our Soul, here on Earth and in the Heavens.

Remember, the precious Light beings, Divine Angels, are always one step ahead of us. Feel their loving guidance, look for the signs, listen to your Soul and embrace your everlasting heavenly connection - you are, and always will be, worthy of it🤍

Recently, a sweet Soul said to me, should I feel guilty if I talk to my Angels more than I talk to God? Immediately, I felt a deep warmth within my heart and heard “there is no guilt to be had, ever” - meaning, when we speak with Angels, we are also speaking with God … 🕊✨❤️


Faith & Religion

