No Matter How Far We Wander . . .
No matter how far we wander, the Angels will always encourage us to see the Light of our chosen path✨😇
The Angels are Divine Forces of Light who help us to navigate the darkness on this planet and to continue growing and evolving in the Light.
Release the pressure of how you feel you should “see” the Angels and focus on how you “feel" the Angels. The same is true with connecting to God and our loved ones in Spirit. We communicate with the Heavens by our eternal Soul and we feel the messages through our heart and mind.
When the Angels speak to us, there is no background noise. The Angels speak to us through our Soul and we feel their loving guidance within our heart and internalize it within our mind. The messages of the Angels are like sweet lullabies reminding us that each breath we breathe, we share in the life of love.
Messages from the Angels are like wind chimes. They sing a beautiful melody as they dance in the wind. No matter the pitch of the tune, the beauty always echos in the wind. Embrace the feelings that are responses from the Angels and listen to them! They will never let you down.
Sometimes the melody is quiet and comforting and sometimes the melody is motivating and direct, but no matter the message, what always remains true is the unconditional love and compassion that it derives from, the Angels.
Call upon the Angels in your thoughts and prayers and be open to how you receive their love and guidance. Feel the messages that the Angels lovingly present to you and embrace the gratitude that shines from within your heart and Soul at their heavenly response.
We cannot separate ourselves from the Heavens as God is the Light that lives within our Spirit and Soul. This Light is comprised of unconditional love and compassion. When we lose sight of this simplicity of Light within ourselves and others is when we feel detached. The Angels are always whispering to us, reminding us of this very treasured truth of Light within to guide us back to feeling whole and connected