Nature Heals

Nature Heals🌿

Nature can heal our Soul. Being in nature gives us life. Nature is living and breathing. Just as we are. Standing in nature and taking a moment to just be, can bring stillness to your mind. When you stand in nature you are never truly alone. You may feel alone and in that moment, that may be exactly what you need to feel. Taking a few minutes to breathe in nature can connect us to our Soul.

Our Soul is much like our Guardian Angel in the sense it will never let you down. Our Soul is sacred, honest and true, just like our Guardian Angel. Our Soul is created, rooted and established in love, by Divine God.

What does it feel like when you connect to your Soul? Clarity. When you connect to your Soul you feel aligned and connected to your spirit, your truth. This clarity removes all the boundaries and deflections that your ego creates. Allowing you to truly see yourself, who you are, and all that makes you, you.

Nature teaches us stillness, peace and quiet. Nature teaches us to think, to feel and to listen. Nature teaches us that it can restore, replenish and rejuvenate itself, as can we.

Sometimes we just need a reset, regardless of what is going on in our lives. A reset that brings us back to our roots, reminding us to live this life connected to the truth of our Soul purpose. Sometimes we just need to take a break and take a breath. Nature teaches us balance. Nature teaches us death and rebirth. Nature teaches us the cycle of life, the cycle of the Soul...🌿


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