Keep Healing Anyway…

The ones who judge, criticize, and mock you for being sick, will most likely be the ones judging, criticizing, and mocking you for healing, keep healing anyway…

Choosing health above all else can be deafening to those around you. Those who rely on you to deflect from or comfort their own darkness will be uncomfortable with your healing and that may result in shame, criticism, and scrutiny. Often with a dose of pressure to stop what you are doing and jump back into the revolving door where they feel most comfortable and where they need you to be to feel most comfortable with you — even when they notice the Light pouring out of you, its reflecting something that they are not ready to deal with yet or possibly ever throughout this time around down here.

Darkness needs you silenced and shunned to carry out its facade and yet, your Light is so loud, even without using words, exposing the illusion. Light hydrates every drought, and yet, here and above, we always have the choice (freewill) whether we choose to access the living water or not.

Those who make Light choices for their health/lifestyle, which at this toxic time here on Earth, is against the norm, are often judged and portrayed as being judgmental, labeled as promoting fear and shame, when those who are unnerved or intimidated by this change, are in fact, where the judgement lies. Light is contented by the persistent desire to serve, rather than to control or convince, irritating darkness and unsettling the storm clouds we may carry within to protect our vices and fears.

@medicalmedium information is pure Light and tastes like honey for the Soul Not based on theory, false, fake, flawed or underdeveloped science, not even based on the best intentions of another human being. Sent from above in response to our suffering and disconnect, with intention to recalibrate our body and brain to realign with the wisdom of Soul. Allowing our health the freedom to keep up with the velocity of this earthly mission.

Learn the information, become your own expert, take the books to your health care provider, take control over your health Keep going, your Light is much needed here, keep shining!




Liver Rescue